Telehealth & Phone Sessions only

Medicare rebates are available for phone and Telehealth, and our clinicians are available for Telehealth in as part of their normal in-clinic hours. 

The following clinicians are accepting only online appointments.

Fee payable through registering in our electronic payments system.  All payments are rebates are processed on the day and electronically.

Medicare rebates are seamlessly deposited into your account after your session is concluded.  You must have a MHCP referral from your GP or a referral letter from your Psychiatrist. 

The out of pocket costs for the online Telehealth consult is above.  We also accept referrals from a number of sources and private health insurance rebates can *be processed (not requiring a referral)

* Private Health Rebates vary between funds.  Check with your fund prior on your level of coverage.  Electronic rebates through Online HiCaps claiming is limited to certain private health providers.  If yours is not covered, a receipt will be generated and emailed to you following your session.  This receipt can be provided (usually online) to your fund for private health rebates. 




Keep in Touch

Let us update you on changes in Cygnet Clinic and new initiatives in Mental Health treatment available in Western Australia (including updates to any changes to the Better Access to Mental Health Medicare System).

If your are in need of help urgently, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14