Claudia Ovenden is endorsed by APRHA as both a Clinical and Counselling Psychologist and has a special interests in mindfulness based therapies and Schema Therapy. Claudia holds a BA from the University of Melbourne, and a PGradDip Psych and Master of Psychology (with distinction) from Curtin University of Technology. Claudia Is a member of the Australian Psychological Society and maintains membership of both the Clinical and Counselling Colleges of the APS.
Since 2005 Claudia has been based at The Hollywood Clinic where she has done group work with psychiatric inpatients and day patients with a variety of often complex presentations. She currently works on the Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Skills Program and the Alcohol and Substance Use follow up program. Claudia is unable to provide individual assistance to clients who are also receiving services (or plan to) in the DBT Skills Program.
Claudia has worked in university settings in roles related to research in health behaviour and drug use, teaching a foundation unit in Addiction Studies and as a student and staff counsellor. Claudia has peer reviewed publications in the area of drug use and harm reduction. She has also worked in the not-for-profit sector counselling people with addictions.
Claudia has a special interest in Schema Therapy, an extension of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to address longstanding life patterns which influence thinking, feelings, memories, behaviour and relationships. Claudia also uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Dialectical Behaviour Therapy, plus mindful and compassionate interventions to help reduce arousal and regulate emotions. Claudia can assist clients to develop their capacity to calm their minds using meditation with the use of a portable EEG device to give real time feedback.
Fees for clinical consultations can be found on