Dr Hitesh Maru

Consultant Psychiatrist 

Not Available

Dr Hitesh Maru has led senior roles in the public sector with extensive experience as head of department for community mental health.

Dr Maru is a Psychiatrist with interest in General Adult Psychiatry

Fees for service are available here 

You are required to have a valid referral letter dated with your General Practitioners provider number and name clearly stated. The referral letter must contain the sentence “under Item 291 for specialist opinion and report” at this current stage. 
Please note, Cygnet Clinic Psychiatry Team is a Treatment only service, and we do not provide Psychiatric Reports for Medico-Legal or other non-clinical purposes. Dr Maru does not accept Workers Compensation, MVA insurance or referrals for ADD/ADHD.




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Let us update you on changes in Cygnet Clinic and new initiatives in Mental Health treatment available in Western Australia (including updates to any changes to the Better Access to Mental Health Medicare System).

If your are in need of help urgently, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14