Jane Ebert

BA(Hons), DipEd, MPsych(Clin)
Clinical Psychologist

Check Fees          Currently Unavailable

Jane Ebert is a fully endorsed Clinical Psychologist who completed her Masters in Clinical Psychology in 2002, and has sound experience working with children (parenting for under 12’s), families, adolescents (individually from 13 upwards) and adults. She is registered as a Psychologist and a Supervisor with AHPRA and is a member of the Australian Psychological Society. Jane worked with Specialist Services at Disability Services Commission for 5 years and has worked with adolescents and adults with mental health issues in the government sector for over 4 years. She has also worked with adults with acquired brain injury with issues such as emotional regulation and adjustment to disability. Educationally in addition to her qualifications in Clinical Psychology, Jane also completed a postgraduate Diploma in Primary Education. 
Jane works Saturdays at Midland and Tuesdays at Fremantle

Jane is a Senior Clinical Psychologist on our team and part of the Cygnet Leadership Group.

Senior Clinical Psychologist and clinical Supervision at Cygnet Clinic Midland. Work with adolescents, parents and adults. These clients present with a variety of clinical issues such as adjustment problems, grief and loss, anxiety disorders, depression obsessive compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and stable psychotic disorders.

Clinical Psychologist with North Metro Adult Mental Health at Joondalup and Osborne Clinic. Supervision.

2007 – 2012 
Clinical Psychologist Statewide Specialist Services at WA Disability Services Commission. Challenging behaviours, parenting, adjustment, grief and loss. Functional Behaviour Analysis.

2005 – 2007 
Clinical Psychologist NSW Dept. of Health in Community Health Clinic. Adolescent and Adult

2002 – 2005 
Clinical Psychologist 
Brain Injury Service, NSW Dept. Health. 

Master of Psychology in Clinical and Health Psychology (Thesis: Parenting Efficacy, Satisfaction and Attitudes as Mediators in the Relationship between Infant Temperament and Maternal Adjustment in Full term and Preterm infants), Curtin University of Technology WA, 2002. 

Bachelor of Arts, First Class Honours (Thesis: A Neuropsychological Study of Visual, spatial and Verbal Memory in Korsakoff’s Syndrome 
Patients and Alcohol Dependent Drinkers), University of Adelaide SA, 1995

Diploma in Education with Merit (Postgraduate), University of Newcastle NSW, 1992

Bachelor of Arts, University of Newcastle NSW, 1991

Clinical Interests
Jane is a Cognitively Behaviourally trained clinician and this is her primary mode of therapeutic intervention for mood disorders. She also has an interest and training in Schema therapy. Jane has a broad and extensive range of clinical interests that include mood disorders like depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, history of trauma, grief and loss, adjustment disorders, personality disorders, and behavioural issues related to acquired brain injury autism and intellectual disability

She is available to work with her clients so that they might find relief from distressing symptoms which occur with problems such as anxiety and depression. She has an interest in working with people who have experienced histories of trauma in psychotherapy in order to maximise their quality of life. She also has an interest in working with families and carers of children and adults with intellectual disability.

Fees for clinical consultations can be found on www.cygnetclinic.com.au/fees

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