Cygnet Clinic

Low-Cost Postgraduate Clinic (LCPC)

What is the LCPC?

Cygnet has a dedicated relationship with Universities to offer Masters and PhD (Clinical) students a practicum.  These students are in their final stages of the degree prior to commencing as a Clinical Psychologist Registrar.  This means that the students on practicum are in their 6th year of study and have already completed intensive supervised practicums at other services.  The internship students is provisionally registered with AHPRA

Requirements for Referral
The LCPC program can recieve referrals from any appropriate channel, including self-referral.  There are no session limits and clients who have used all 10 of their Medicare sessions are welcome to engage in the LCPC service.  The intern is supervised by the Managing Director (Clinical Supervisor) and referrals are triaged to assess suitability for the LCPC program.

*Please Note:  LCPC is currently closed until further notice.  For services without costs, please refer to PORTS website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q) When can I access the Postgraduate Clinic?

A) Postgraduate Clinic is open to referrals commencing 2022. When the clinic is open again, you can book an appointment online by clicking on the Book Online button above.

Q) How much does it cost?

A) $50 per 1 hour psychotherapy session (employed) or $15 with Health Care Card or Pensioners.

Full cognitive assessments ( WAIS-IV) and reports are available. Due to overwhelming demand for cognitive assessments, referrals are limited and must be based on a valid clinical rationale. The cost of a full cognitive assessment is $450 including report.

Q) Are there limits on session numbers?

A) No, unlike the Medicare Program, there are no session number limits.  You do not require a referral from a GP nor do you require a Mental Health Care Plan.  It does not matter whether you have used all your Medicare sessions for the calendar year or not.

Q) Are you only offering individual psychotherapy?

A) Yes, in 2023 we will be offering individual psychotherapy. 

Q) Is there a screening process?

A) Yes, we assess each referral and if it is deemed to be too complex or there are significant risk issues, Cygnet will refer elsewhere (including more senior members of our team). Only adults or mature minors (16 years) or older are accepted.

Q) If I refer my patient, will they be seen by an unqualified practitioner?

A) The practitioners have already completed their 4 year degree (BPsych with Hons or equivalent) and hold qualifications at the same level as the majority of practitioners currently in the Better Access to Mental Health (Medicare) system. The LCPC practitioners are enrolled in a Masters or Doctorate postgraduate course to qualify as a Clinical Psychologist Registrar and will receive intensive supervision whilst at Cygnet Clinic.

All LCPC clinicians will be supervised by the Managing Director of the Clinic - (Adjunct Associate Professor Brendon Dellar, Clinical Supervisor or Rachael Williams, Clinical Supervisor and Managing Director), which means that each case will be thoroughly reviewed and your patient will receive the highest level of professional care.

Q) Will there be any differences from seeing a Psychologist through Medicare (or Privately)?

A) Yes, there may be incidences where your LCPC practitioner may ask your permission to audio or video tape the session for the purposes of intensive supervision. With your permission, your case may be selected for presentation at our Peer Supervision meetings where the most experienced Senior Clinical Psychologists can provide feedback and recommendations to the LCPC practitioner.  This is an advantage over typical private practice psychologists as the patient will receive expert advice when receiving therapy. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us on the links below.




Keep in Touch

Let us update you on changes in Cygnet Clinic and new initiatives in Mental Health treatment available in Western Australia (including updates to any changes to the Better Access to Mental Health Medicare System).

If your are in need of help urgently, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14