Cygnet Clinic
Psychological Assessments

Cygnet provides Psychological Assessment and Reports for a range of purposes. These include (but not limited to):

• Cognitive Assessments (Intellectual Functioning)

• Occupational/Organisational Psychological Assessments

• Criminal Injuries Compensation Assessments

• Pre-Sentencing Reports

• General Medico-Legal Reports


Cognitive Assessments

Assessments for Cognitive Functioning are accepted by referral only.  This typically involves a range of tasks over a period of 2 to 3 hours.  An assessment of Cognitive Functioning is often accompanied by other forms of assessment, such as Adaptive Functioning.  Both Adaptive Functioning and Intellectual Functioning assessments are required for formal diagnosis of conditions such as intellectual disability.  At this stage, we only accept referrals for those over the age of 16 years.  Enquire about this service here.

Criminal Injuries Compensation 

Assessment for the purposes of Criminal Injuries has been expertise of Cygnet Clinic since our inception.  We conduct thorough assessments of the impact of an act of crime on an individuals functioning as part of a submission to the Office of Criminal Compensation.  The assessment is independent of any award and does not imply that compensation will be granted.  Individuals may self-refer or are more commonly referred by a lawyer in order to prepare a submission for Criminal Compensation. Find our more about this service here.

Medico-Legal & Pre-Sentencing Reports

Cygnet provides expert Forensic services in assessment for pre-sentencing and general Medico-Legal purposes.  We also provide assessment as well as clinical interventions for those under Workers' Compensation claims or Motor-Vehicle Accident insurance claims.  Please contact us for more information.

Occupational & Organisation Assessments

We provide a range of Occupational and Organisational assessments including but not limited to Workers Compensation assessments, Job-Capacity Assessments and Assessments to for Recruitment purposes.  Cygnet has extensive experience in assisting large external organisations with workplace mental health issues and providing services to assist with improving wellbeing in the workplace. Find out more by contacting us.




Keep in Touch

Let us update you on changes in Cygnet Clinic and new initiatives in Mental Health treatment available in Western Australia (including updates to any changes to the Better Access to Mental Health Medicare System).

If your are in need of help urgently, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14